Green is our core brand color. It is as Adyen as our logo
Primary colors
95% of the colors we use are from our primary color palette.
Secondary colors
For highlighting specific areas, it’s possible to use 1 secondary color.
For every color we have a palette of shades. The main color should always be leading in the usage.
Primary colors
Our main brand colors are Adyen green, Adyen black, Adyen white and White. These colors are used 95% of the time.
Adyen Green
RGB: 10/191/83
CMYK: 82,0,86,0
HEX: #0ABF53
Pantone: 7481 C
RAL: 6037
Adyen Black
RGB: 0/17/44
CMYK: 100,61,0,83
HEX: #00112C
Pantone: 296 C
RAL: 5011
Adyen White
RGB: 243/246/249
CMYK: 2,1,0,2
HEX: #F7F8F9
Pantone: 1 C
RGB: 0/0/0
CMYK: 0,0,0,0
Pantone: N/A
Hightlight green
RGB: 121/220/161
HEX: #79DCA1
Colors in use
Do's & Dont's
Do use our colors.
Don't use other greens and blacks.
Do use colors in sublte ways.
Don't overuse colors.
Do use our primary brand colors.
Don't use secondary colors as the main color.
There are more colors available, different tones of black and contrast variations of all our colors.
Need them? Contact us via