Merchandise & goodies

Everyone loves a goody. To help you make sure merchandise, gifts, and goodies promote our brand while contributing to a sustainable future, you can follow these guidelines. Use our checklist and if you need help to create amazing merchandise, contact the Studio.

Our approach
Be mindful that most people don’t want big bold branded merchandise in their homes. Create merchandise that reflects Adyen's brand identity and values, focused on simplicity, elegance, and reliability.

  • The Adyen logo should always be a subtle graphic element. Use the original form or monochrome format
  • For high-end merchandise, add the logo to the packaging, not the gift itself
  • Use Adyen's brand colors consistently across all merchandise
  • Use high-quality and durable materials
  • Design merchandise with simplicity and elegance in mind by avoiding complex designs and cluttered layouts
  • Don’t use competitors’ logos and adhere to copyright laws
  • Use appropriate messaging consistent with Adyen's brand identity and values.
  • Don’t add "engineered for ambition" to any merchandise

Promote sustainability
Adyen encourages branded merchandise that reflects our values of simplicity, elegance, and reliability, while also prioritizing sustainability. Please choose eco-friendly materials and designs that align with our commitment to the planet.

  • Use sustainable materials whenever possible
  • Minimize packaging waste by using reusable, recyclable, biodegradable, or compostable packaging
  • Use eco-friendly inks and dyes that are non-toxic and are without harmful chemicals
  • Encourage reuse by creating timeless and durable designs
  • Offer incentives for those who return or reuse merchandise
  • Local is always best. When possible, source materials and manufacture merchandise locally

we value versatile branded merchandise that can be repurposed or gifted to others. Emphasize quality and durability to ensure long-lasting use and maximum impact across various teams and verticals within our organization.

  • Create merchandise that can be used by different teams and verticals within the organization so others can gift left-over goodies
  • Emphasize quality and durability to ensure that merchandise can withstand regular use continue to provide value

We're here to help!
We encourage exciting and innovative merchandise ideas that align with our brand identity and values and ur studio loves bringing your ideas to life.

  • Define the project scope and goals
  • Identify key stakeholders
  • Establish a timeline
  • Set up regular check-ins
  • Incorporate feedback rounds
  • Encourage open communication.


Looking for a checklist? After you've ticked off these items, you're well on your way to making an awesome gift. Look at the checklist for some awesome ideas.

Is it on brand? I’ve used the Adyen logo, brand colors, and appropriate messaging.
Is it sustainable? I’ve used sustainable materials, eco-friendly inks and dyes, minimized packaging waste, encouraged reuse, and sourced materials locally.
Is it versatile? I’ve created merchandise that can be used across multiple teams and verticals within the organization.
Is it a merchant? Avoid cheap merchandise or cliched corporate swag, rather showcase local merchants like Happy Socks, Lush cosmetics, Rituals etc.