
Together with Grilli Type we crafted our own typeface: Adyen Sans – Adyen Sans, a font engineered for ambition and designed to unify our visual identity across all platforms. Moving from a fragmented collection of over seven fonts and licenses, Adyen Sans consolidates our brand into a singular, ownable typeface. Crafted to support 244 languages and 72,618 characters, ensuring our message resonates globally while catering to local nuances. With the versatility of static and variable fonts, Adyen Sans offers unparalleled scalability for any project. Even in the digital realm, with our Adyen Mono typeface Adyen Sans isn’t just a font, it’s our new way of talking to the world, showing our commitment to clear and friendly communication everywhere.

Adyen Sans
Supports 244 languages with a total of 72,618 characters.

There are 3 font weights. Normal (text), Medium (titles) and Bold (small titles).

Text styles
For font sizes we use a multiplication system based on “X” which is the body copy size.

We align our text to the left. In single cases it could be centre alignment or Right-to-left script.

Line height
The ideal line height depends on the size and platform (around 110-150%).

Primary text colors are Adyen Black and white depending on the background color.

We are confident in our skills and solutions. We don’t need to shout about how great we are.

Font Family

Adyen Sans is a versatile font family that supports a wide range of languages. It covers 244 languages with a total of 72,618 characters. In system dropdown menus, the font is labeled as "Adyen" to ensure easy identification and consistent usage across different programs. For Latin scripts, the preferred choice is Adyen Variable, which offers enhanced flexibility and readability.

Text styles

Our text styles are tailored to the specific platform they are displayed on. For example, you might need larger font sizes for web content compared to social posts. Despite these variations, we use a consistent method for calculating all our font sizes.

We start with a base size for each medium, which we refer to as “X.” In every case, “X” represents the body font size. From this base size, we derive different text styles. Below is an example to illustrate this:

Web example : If "X" (body font size) is 16px, headings and other text elements are scaled accordingly.

Social Media example : If "X" is 14px, the same scaling rules apply to maintain consistency.

This method ensures that our typography remains consistent and visually appealing across all platforms.


Adyen Sans supports three font weights: Regular, Medium, and Bold. Below are the common use cases for each weight.

Calculating Header Thickness
To determine the appropriate thickness for headers, we start with the size of our body copy, referred to as “X.” Here's how we calculate the thickness:

  • For header sizes up to 1.5 times the body size (X): Use Bold (700).
  • For header sizes exactly 1.5 times or above the body size (X): Use Medium (500).

This approach ensures our headers are visually balanced and maintain a consistent hierarchy in different contexts.

X in use examples

Do's & Dont's

Do use our text styles.

Don't use different styles.

Keep it simple with the number of text styles.

Don't overuse text styles and colors.

Do use metrics kerning

Don’t use optical or manually change the kerning

Do use default tracking

Don’t use custom tracking


For a lot of use cases we have predefined font styles:

  • Online
  • Print
  • Social Media

Please communicate with your contact person at Adyen or mail us directly at studio@adyen.com.