
Our logo represents the confident, tech-forward personality of our brand. It is primarily Adyen green and displayed on a white, ‘Adyen white’, or black background. A white logo is used over images or solid green backgrounds.

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Our logo is always placed two Adyen a’s away from the edge. Take into consideration that text, a different logo, or an image is an edge as well.


The smallest logo size allowed is 90 pixels wide for digital, 1.5 cm/0.59 inch wide for print.


For most formats, our logo size is determined by the application’s width. On large applications such as booth walls the logo size is determined by the height of the wall.


On most applications, such as brochures and presentations, our logo is placed bottom left. However, there are some exceptions. On large applications such as walls or roller banners, or on our website, the Adyen logo is placed on the top left for better visibility.

Do's & Dont's

We prefer to use our logo in green. If that’s not possible, the next choice is white. We will never use our logo in black or other colors. It is not allowed to decorate the logo, or make the logo in 3D with chunky big shapes. (Note: Don’t walk on our logo, and don’t eat our logo.)

Looks great.


Keep up the good work.

Don't use secondary colors.

Don't use the logo in black.

Avoid colorful backgrounds.

You're better than this.

Light makes our logo blurry.

Don't decorate the logo.

Don't put the logo on sticks or in 3D.